MEETING THE THRID THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH. 6:30 P.M. MOSTLY VIA ZOOM, AN OCASSIONAL IN PERSON MEETING WILL BE HELD. Krisite Ivey is the Program Director and Facilitator She can be reached by emailing: [email protected] Become a member of the Guild for $20 a year membership fee, includes free entry into Writers Guild contests and entrance to readers events at Postmark. CLICK ON LINK BELOW TO PAY MEMBERSHIP DUES List of meetings for 2024 April 18 May 16 June 20 July 18 August 15 September 19 October 17 November 21 December 19
WHAT IS THE WRITER'S GUILD? If you are interested in literature - this is the place for you. Poems, fiction, nonfiction, short form, long form...if it has has a home! A creative outlet yo let your mind (and pen) roam free. Join others with your same passion for the written word and build your creativity together. A place to call home...the Postmark Writer's Guild.
POSTMARK LAFOLLETTE ARTS, CULTURE AND HISTORY CENTER- WRITERS’ GUILD FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date 02/04/24 Local Author to take over duties for the Postmark LaFollette Writers Guild as the Program Coordinator
Kristi Ivey
LaFollette, TN— Date 02/04/2024
Postmark LaFollette Arts, Culture and History Center is proud to welcome Kristi Ivey as the Program Coordinator for the Postmark LaFollette Writers Guild. She is a published author and award-winning published poet. Her goals for the coming year are causing excitement in the writing community. She, along with the board are looking forward to a year of productivity. Please join us in welcoming Kristi, her experience will help new and experienced writers. She will be set up at the Spring Fling on April 13th 2024 inside Postmark LaFollette, the old downtown LaFollette Post Office. She will have membership applications for anyone interested in joining. Come and enjoy great music, food, and fellowship.
For More Information: Postmark LaFollette - HOME ([email protected])
To register for membership or just as an inquiry and have Kristi contact you please upload the registration form above and send to Kristi.