Is a production of Postmark Filmworks which aired on WLAF Channel 12 from March 2, 2022, through September 7, 2022 (at 8:30pm EST). Episodes are available to stream below and on the WLAFYouTube.
What are "Our Bridges"? Episodes were split into two separate 30-minute episodes. In the first episode, Postmark Artist & Board Member Deborah Cathryn Purcell read a rousing rendition of a classic piece of literature meant to spur memories from the viewers' lives. The next episode was a recap of Deb's reading with an ending sharing local stories the reading reminded fellow Campbell Countians of.
The goal of this program is "to bridge" all of "our stories" no matter "when" they are from - to show we all have common stories.
This is a television show for Campbell Countians by Campbell Countians!
Episodes Each episode have themes such as: language, moonshine, nature, farm life, military, and family
Episode 1 (Language and How We Talk in Campbell County) | 3/2/2022 8:30pm WLAF Channel 12 Deborah tells about her first visit to Campbell County & reads: Our Southern Highlanders by Horace Kephart - Read Online at YouTube Link:
Episode 2 (Responses: Language and How We Talk in Campbell County) 3/30/2022 8:30pm WLAF Channel 12 Your Responses - This Month will feature responses from LaFollette Court Assisted Living Residents! YouTube Link:
Episode 3 (Moonshine in Campbell County) | 4/6/2022 8:30pm WLAF Channel 12 Deborah tells her stories & reads the chapter - "Moonshine Land" - from: Our Southern Highlanders by Horace Kephart - Read Online at YouTube Link:
Episode 4 (Responses: Moonshine in Campbell County) | 4/27/2022 8:30pm WLAF Channel 12 Your Responses - This Month will feature responses from Judy Sexton and Greg Miller! & a refresher of Our Southern Highlanders by Horace Kephart - Read Online at YouTube Link:
Episode 5 (Bird Stories) | 5/4/2022 8:30pm WLAF Channel 12 Deborah shares her stories & reads "Bird Stories from Burroughs" by John Burroughs - Read Online at YouTube Link:
Episode 6 (Responses: Bird Stories) | 5/25/2022 8:30pm WLAF Channel 12 Your Responses - This Month will feature a response from John Anderson! & a refresher of "Bird Stories from Burroughs" by John Burroughs - Read Online at YouTube Link:
Episode 7 (Farm Life) | 6/1/2022 8:30pm WLAF Channel 12 Deborah shares her stories & reads "Being A Boy" by Charles Dudley Warner - Read Online at YouTube Link:
Episode 8 (Responses: Farm Life) | 6/29/2022 8:30pm WLAF Channel 12 Your Responses - This Month will feature a response from Andy and Gene Stevens! & a refresher of "Being A Boy" by John Burroughs - Read Online at YouTube Link:
Episode 9 (Service to America) | 7/6/2022 8:30pm WLAF Channel 12 Deborah shares her stories & reads "Sergeant York and His People" by Sameul K Cowan - Read Online at YouTube Link:
Episode 10 (Responses: Service to America) | 7/27/2022 8:30pm WLAF Channel 12 Your Responses - This Month will feature a response from Andy and Gene Stevens! & a refresher of "Sergeant York and His People" by Sameul K Cowan - Read Online at YouTube Link:
Episode 11 (Family Life) | 8/3/2022 8:30pm WLAF Channel 12 Deborah shares her stories & reads "A Pioneer Mother" by Hamlin Garland - Read Online at YouTube Link:
Episode 11 (Responses to Family) | 8/27/2022 8:30pm WLAF Channel 12 Your Responses - This Month will feature a response from Andy and Gene Stevens! & a refresher of "A Pioneer Mother" by Hamlin Garland - Read Online at YouTube Link:
Episode 12 (Stories from When...with Andy Stevens) | 9/7/2022 8:30pm WLAF Channel 12 "Our Bridges...Stories from When" concludes with what this program was all about...stories from you (The People of Campbell County)! This episode will air the previously unreleased footage of the Andy Stevens interview. Andy is a true treasure of our community and our world. We thank him for his stories and time spent with us. YouTube Link:
Thank You for Your Support of Postmark LaFollette Filmworks!