A project supported by a grant from the BOSCH COMMUNITY FUND The base concept was to incorporate five (5) STEM teachers with five (5) students to look at five (5) different opportunities for growth in our community by having youth input. The funds awarded support a $1,000 stipend for each teacher involved along with funds to spend on developing their project to be budgeted and overseen by the youth involved. Grant funding such as this has a two fold outcome. It provides the opportunity for programs such as this STEM opportunity for our youth to become involved in and it also provides economic development into the community through funds to pay teachers as well as to purchase goods locally (as much as feasible) for the program or project.
Change is the only constant in our lives. When TVA built Norris Dam in 1936 the change in the Campbell County area was drastic. The factors for improvement included flood control, conservation of farm land, the production of clean energy and the creation of a technology corridor. Predict the changes in our county for energy and land use from 2021 through 2041. Develop a plan to include the use of new methods to create the energy needs for the next twenty years. Develop a model to show the changes you foresee. Use design and technology for your prototype for the future. Mary Seiber - Elk Valley STUDENTS: Lillie Morgan, Willow Cottrill, Kaydon Hollifield, and Ella Chapman. All are in 8th grade.
One of the activities included in the Smithsonian Exhibit was “What will your community look like in twenty years?”. Your challenge is to design the Campbell County area community for the future. How will people live? Work? Attend school? Do for recreation? One of the biggest challenges that young people voice is “there is nothing to do here.” What changes can be made to provide a solution for this dilemma? (Nikki Bumgardner, Jacksboro Middle) STUDENTS: Eden Elkins- 8th Grade, Riley Quintos – 8th Grade, Cooper Sammons – 7th Grade, Hunter Staton – 8th Grade, Jenna Stephens – 7th Grade
Twenty-four percent of the households in Campbell County have income below the poverty level; and more than forty-eight percent of the land in out county is public land. Campbell County does not have an abundance of organized recreation for young people. Develop a plan to provide awareness of and access to recreation using resources that are available in the area. Students can identify partners in the community to support and assist in the problem. Examples could include the state park system, local recreation venders and associations and/or local outreach organizations. (Laura Asbury, Jacksboro Middle- Homeschool Group) STUDENTS: Anaia Roberts-10th Grade, Ayiana Roberts-10th Grade, Aleeyah Roberts-10th Grade, Sophie Copeland-7th Grade, Asher York-7th Grade
Campbell County is a regional center for off road vehicle recreation with more than eight hundred miles of established ATV and UTV trails that are on public land. Environmental wastes on designated trails and trail heads are a significant problem in Campbell County, denigrating the visual beauty of the attraction. Create an outreach to provide awareness of the problem of polluting the area to help improve the issue. Students will develop a campaign for awareness of the issue leveraging prior work initiated by local entities as a guide. The groups include local ATV clubs, the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Association (TWRA), Campbell County Recreation Association (CORA), the Campbell County Environmental Department and Sheriff’s Department. (Heather Wallace, Jellico Elementary) STUDENTS: Alyssa Brandenburg- 6th grade, Kendall Osborn- 6th grade, Malakhi Thomas- 7th grade, Lila Lawson-8th grade, Wyatt Baird-8th grade
Many students in Campbell County are not aware of the skills needed to qualify for work in the Advanced Manufacturing environment. Develop an approach to improve awareness of STEM skill related jobs in Advanced Manufacturing and provide a plan to grow work ready workers. Students will address the specific needs of local Advanced Manufacturing employers including BSH, Camel Manufacturing, Thelos and DeRoyal Industries. (Shaniell Nelson, LaFollette Middle)